Yup, another new week just started and another week less due to the end of my internship. Yeah I do really hope I can end my internship faster so I do not have to wake up at 6am in the morning to be ready and go to work.
You ask me why I'm wake up so early since my office open at 9am? Well of course is to avoid the traffic jam especially near the Petaling Jaya area where is the most congested area in Klang Valley. Yup I do avoid unnecessary jam in some major road but still I facing the jam at Damansara Toll which is a bottle neck road where around 10 lanes of car is being "squeeze" into 2 lane legally or 4 lane illegally. So much thank you for our GREAT Malaysia road planner. They really spare me lots of time to jam in the middle of the road and enjoying the sun raise !
Well what I doing since I gt plenty of time when I reach my office building? Well sometimes I will playing my PSP, or turning on my laptop and start Facebook-ing or blogging, and sometimes I take a little nap too.
Don't know how to said, my lifestyle had changed since my internship started. I used to sleep at 3am and wake up at 12pm in the afternoon even sometimes didn't sleep at all. But now everyday I slept at 12am and wake up at 6am. Moreover I used to combine my breakfast and lunch together before my internship, but now I'll make sure I had my breakfast either in my car or McD near my office. Well basically this are the 2 major changes in my lifestyle.
Other than lifestyle, some how the way I thinking seem changing as well, to which direction I'm not so sure and is it turn into good or bad? I doubt also. I waiting my friend to give me the answer after my new semester start, kekeke !
Well after typing and nagging so long here, it is obviously I have not much thing to talk about in this post, just some daily life of my. Don't really have much event happening in past few days and I predicting the same for this week.
The only special event happened in last Thursday was my dad's new ride was arrive and he seem pretty damn HAPPY about his new ride. CONGRATS to my dad. I still doubt whether want to post some photos of my dad's new ride in my blog because I don't want the HATER spamming my e-mail and complaint bout me showing off my cameras , PC stuff and now, my dad's car (wei! come one, it is not even my car le. By the way don't know who is showing off his new lens and car le? I just driving a cheap Myvi)
Sometimes I just wondering the different between sharing and showing off. My dear readers, am I showing off here? Well me personally think that for HIS point of view, I'm am showing off to to him, who was very "su beh ki" in term in other things I knew are better than HIM (ceh ceh ceh ~!! praise my self pulak, hahaha), even he using GOOD lens. (ha! padan muka, come spam my e-mail la !)
But I do hope YOU go improve your self la since you have such GOOD lens, if not you better donate your lens to poor people like me, muahahaha !
Well hope my last few paragraph do not really offend to some of my readers la, cause it basically meaning less if you are not HIM. And also it might just out of topic already, hehehe
In the end, the weather now is kinda "funky", do drink more water and don't get your self sick !
Cheers !!

and SMILE always !!!
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