Thursday, March 25, 2010

All About Love

At last, I able to do this after planned for half year. Yes, the love shape bokeh. I saw this DIY technique for quite a long time and planned to do it. Actually it is a very simply DIY project but why it took me half to implement it ? hmmm....

Actually after I finished the love shaped "lens hood" and started to shoot, I discover there was not much light in my house, the only light is the red lantern I hang as a deco for Chinese New Year.

Love shaped lantern

I also try to get a few shots on my nephew with the table lamp, but I found it very hard to get a clear shot due to not enough distance between my 50mm lens, my nephew and my table lamp. So in the end, I decided to go blur...

Yi Yi with Love

Another photo I shot was between my wooden doll a.k.a MoKuJin (mean wooden people in Japanese)

MoKuJin with Love

YES, I will try to shoot more photos regarding this project, and YES I will make more shape in the future.

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