Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Yeow~~!! I know its been a while since my last post... well this was not cause by my laziness to update my blog.. it was because I faced some connection problem that drag me for more than 1 months to settle it..
Well these few months also been bz for the health and wellness campaign, and also some journalsssss reading assignment and some head banging trouble that I facing now ... so even I have time to surf but still I am lack of time to blog.. the bzness had lead me to unhealthy life style as well.. such as, sleep late..or even don't sleep at all, heavy coffee dose each time I rush for my works.... worrying lots of thing that cause me insomia, imbalance eating style and many more...
Well, due to these unhealthy life style.... last week I gone for a whole body check... the doc took quite amount of blood for testing and the result will be out in this week... and also I losing 3 kgs already.. it should be a good news for people sized like me... but a suddent drop is not a good sign because last time during my SPM paper time, I droped 6kgs due to I sicked for 4 days on my bed, unmoveable and eatable... luckily that time was the break time for Hari Raya Holiday in the middle of my SPM exam period...
In the same time, I also discover Ivan become more and more "family obligating" already.... even there are some due date for my assignments..and still I insist of going back to my hometown to meet with my parents and nephew... I juz miss them.. especially in this raining season.. it is easily to miss some one when its rain adn cold.
So, now I'm waiting for my health report... hope and by crossing my finger, it will be ok for each categories... and also to settle the head banging problem I'm facing now, ASAP .... I juz tire of facing this problem anymore...!
Let's hope all the best to me and my other friends who fighting for Moral subject, Statistic and also PR theories and model....
ALL THE BEST !!!! and GOOD LUCK !!!!
Friday, October 2, 2009
Have nthg to do at nite..so I juz simply setup my tripot and attatch my camera on it.. and simply shoot on my stuff I can grap around me randomly...here the photos ...
my spect... help me to see clearly
my wallet...
my time showing machine (watch)
my pencil case...
my 2.5" external hardisk
my PSP
my N73
my N82
my first digital compact camera
my latest digital compact camera
my first SLR camera (Flim)
my latest DSLR camera
my new 50mm f1.8 lens
my external flash 580 EXII
thats all for my blog.. i'll c u around... bye bye.. !
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
In old day why those singing stars and movie start being called as “star” … well according to Ivan perception (me lah..the owner of the blog), they being call “star” because they shine bright that bring light to many many peoples (fans) , and other than that they long lasting…
But now days he found out this “star” concept no longer apply to current singing and acting industry… all those so call singing stars and movie stars do not really deserve being call “star”…. For him they rather are call as “matches”... like singing match instead of singing star…. Or supermatch instead of superstar… why Ivan have such perception?
Well firstly, a match is useless unless you go and rub it on a rough surface, then only the match will ignite… so the current singer are also the same… first they are quiet, not much people know.. but after those singing contest come out in the market and those who have dream to shine, they will taking part in those contest.. and not matter u either get 1st, 2nd or 3rd place.. yes !!! u will become famous…. Or either you are handsome or pretty… u also can be famous…, So in this situation… the contestant are those matches, and the singing contest is the rough surface….
Next… a match after being ignite, they will be fire to light up a dark environment or burn things… well.. apply this in current singing industry… those so call singer after famous, they are like a juz ignite match… they have lots of fans, concert here n there… first album, them the 2nd album, 3rd album…. WOW….!! They are so “bright”… juz like an ignited match…shining ….. burning … hot !!!!
But… the problem is here… a match do not long lasting, after they burned, they are useless… then peoples will throw the used matches away… and being forgotten, so do the singer now days… after they famous for few years… they are dead… forgotten.. because they replace by other singer… juz like matches… after used 1 stick of match.. u throw it away.. and next time u will choose a new match to use…
This situation had happen in few of those singer already.. and some is on his or her way to “hell”, Ivan no need to mention who, because u all know who are those singer…. And some of the singer do not accept the truth of they are being replace.. they insist come out a new album again.. but in the end.. it juz another failure… well they might few of them success.. but they are juz the few of those lucky matches….
As shine as match; As dead as match (Ivan, 2009)
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Aha..its been a long time since the last post about my nephew... I shot alot of photos of my nephew but I did not upload to blogspot, but for friends in my facebook will always saw I update my nephew's photo there..
so NOW !! an update of my nephew... in my blog
It was near to traditional Chinese race festival name Mooncake festival a.k.a Mid Autumn a.k.a Zhong Qiu Festival... It was a festival tat we play lantern (Deng Long) and eat moon cake.... I used to play lantern when I was young with my friends, siblings and cousin.. now already no more since everyone was grew up... so for 4 to 5 years time we did not really play lantern during this festival....
But this year was abit different... my nephew was borned... in order to make him laugh and happy... we bought him his first lantern... (actually quite alot, got chicken shaped, and another squirrel shaped... and other paper latern...) and we light them up to cheer my nephew...
Of cuz this is a good photo opprtunity to grap my nephew face when he was enjoying his first latern lighting... and also a good opprtunity to test my DSLR skill and new equipments... haha..
so here are some photos I shot, hope u all enjoy...
My nephew first tang lung...

My bro's family
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Yes, I currently holidaying, after a pretty damn freaking very busy semester for my first sem of Advanced Diploma life.... my parents keep nagging at me
"wat so bz ah ?? still u juz only a student, will it be more bz than working?? "
wat I can reply the above statement to my parents is
"u will never ever understand if u haven try my life before..."
so watever, it end already..after the war of exam that had changed my life style totally upside down for that 2 weeks..
So I should be pretty looking foward on my holiday, since it is a busy sem for me... and on common sense.. I should be enjoying my holiday...
now is the second week form y holiday.. I felt nthg.. boring everyday.. nthg to do every day.. only different and make me high abit is my spending on my camera stuff... wow... it is the most highly spend holiday I ever have..keke, but it is worth it la...
well, still left a week more for my holiday, after holiday a brande new sem will be start... hope I will not facing those problems I faced in first sem.. n those bloody problematic person I faced in the first sem as well... I HATE TIN !!!!!! (certain ppl might understand this statement..muahaha)
Kay la... time for gaming... Resident Evil 5..woohooo... a nice game.. bye bye.. have a nice day..!!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009
ahaa... yesterday juz got my first lens for my DLSR, Canon EF 50mm f1.8 II ... It is not a fuiyoo lens because this lens is the most affordable lens in their product list... and the budget allow me to get it to shoot the photo I wanted to...
here some sample of my shooting... some photo is abit blur because this lens do not have image stabilizer.. like my Canon 18-55 IS (image stabilizer) lens... will try hard to pratice my hand to be more stabile... and besides that... this lens cannot zoom in or out..because it is a prime lens (lens with fixed focal length) ....
Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 II
Shot a photo to my another lens
My bear on my monitor screen
Shot this in front of Lowyat plaza
self shooting ....big face....
Another me, shot by my friend
my friend chee theng
Kiwi, the girl who get me a great deal on the lens, really thx to her
Sook Cheng, I not sure she allow me to post her photo or not.. but I do like this photo..so who cares !!
Chong, look at his face, so fall deeply in "model" shooting
ok, will have bunch more of photo in my blog... since my holiday is coming.. keke
hope u all enjoy my photo, have a nice day...
Friday, September 4, 2009
Some one had created this term for my "nonsense" which myself think it make sense in sometime, under some situation with almost 70% accurate.... but sometimes these Ivanlogy do make me felt the world is nthg but juz a round shaped planet with many kinds of living organism including human who think they are top of the world and have the power to dominate other... ( wat a funny statement)
Some said I've been thinking too much on these "Ivanlogy" and had change me into like a lone creature, YES, u r partially right... like recently I think of something... As a human being now days.. we can't must select either to be good... or to be bad... there are never ever have moderation.. that will suitable for both side.. even if u choosen a side.. still u will not really gain good repay..
if u wana be good.. those bad one will "bully" or take advantages on u.. in the end.. u r the one who lost and loss like hell, till ur pants drop until no where
in contrast... if u wana be the bad one... u will displease other peoples such as ur friends, family, sibling and more... in the end.. u will not feel any better and u will hav no companions in the end cuz everyone do not trust u...
ok, some might ask:"hey, then why we choose middle, not good, not bad... ?" well those poeple who choose to be the middle one... u r likely not care everything.. do things base on ur own will... but in the end.. u will end up lonely also.. cuz u can't find a friends or someone to be ur listener when u have a hard time..
So... what do u think of this situation I'd mentioned above... ? pls do give me some opinion either in the chat box on my blog.. or leave a comment for this post..
thank you.. have a nice day...
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Yo gals n dudes... i'm back..after a very very busy months...
wondering wat had I done for past 1 months??
S.O.S Earth Event looo... a boring subject... yet interesting way we presented it..
well, i'm not gona talk much bout it... too much to tell all the things happened during this event..any "inquiries" pls refere to my facebook..haha... or call me to yam cha ...then I will tell u..keke
After the event... I will be off..for few weeks again.. not i'm going to travel or sumthing...
I away is due to FINAL EXAM !!! This sem is a mess cuz the 2 most "failing" papers... i do not really understand..n I get a kinda low marks for my coursework as well...
So...in the end..I wish my self good luck in final exam.. n to my friends and anyone who facing the final exam too...
All the best:
Ivan Chung
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Saw this article on my friend's blog who work as a clown, it remind me of my daily action... and some of my friends...
If u r making fun and laugh to someone...pls do respect them...
pls think of who willing to lower down their pride to make u happy
pls think of who making u laugh
pls think of who gave u the reason to make joke wit him or her, n yet seldom he or she voice up to stop u
pls..respect them for giving u the pleasure to making fun n joke on him or her
If one day he or she voice up to u... the problem is not u gone too over.. the problem is u din respect him or her
Juz use ur mind to think...if one day..that person u making fun n joke with gone suddenly.. will u be miss the day u joking with him or her??
Will there a same person which u can do the same things to him or her..
I DON'T THINK SO !!!!!!!
the reason I put this is because the job of clown is getting disrespect by people... they bring happinest to peoples.. but the paid is low...
besides that, my friends also told me "there are plenty of "unmasked" clown there.. only u did not realize..u will only realize it when u joking wit that clown" (Laila, 2009 July 16)
I suddenly realize.. I hav to thx to them who giving me happinest, for giving such a greatime... joking make ppl fun, love, and happy...
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Suddenly I recall an old article from a US Magazine.. I try to use my own words to tell this article...
The Patient: doc.. i think i'm sick....
The Doc: Well... how do you feel ?
The Patient: i felt sad and lonely...i felt so unhappy....
The Doc: hmm... perhaps the clown in the next street will help you...he sure can cheer you up !!!
The Patient: but doc!! i am the clown....!!
Well.. this is acutally an article under the joke section of the magazine... when I read this...I wondering why this article will see as a joke... I felt so sory for the clown..
Sometime...when u c a person is always happy, laught in front of u, joking wit u, cheering u up... and u think he or she is a happy person.. for not really... he or she might be the saddest person in the world...
I wonder why once I read this article, I felt touched... izzit I'm one of that kind of people...? only me know the answer.....

Monday, July 6, 2009
aha !! this year Eason come to our college again..to promote his latest Cantonese album H3M and his concert in Malaysia as well...!
The stage
haha..ok..for sure I got go la... since last year I already went to his show when he visit our college..this time for sure as well...
But this time kinda unhappy on wat the organizer had organized... First time in my life..I face this situation where we, the one who bought Eason CD don't deserve the the VIP tic..but those who under the organizer team.. hav the privilege to sit in VIP zone... even if they din buy the CD..
As I remember, last year when Eason came.. all the helpers was STANDING... STANDING on the side while we, the one who bought the CD..sit on VIP zone.. tat time I'm very respect them (including my friend who one of the helpers) for serving us as first priority... actually last year I also wana stand with them cuz hav closer look to Eason ..hehe....
This year 2009 d...aiz... speechless... many ppl complain about tat..especially those who got came last year...
ok..back to this topic..enough for complaining.. lets enjoy the photos n video...haha..
The queue before entering the hall
The crowd.. 2000 peoples le..syok !!!
The crazy fans.. but pity them lo..can't c from the back ...so hav to climb up lo..
The medias.. wah..all using advance SLR.. n lense.. unlike me.. using the 18-55.. can't really shoot from far..aiz...
These are very precious photos..since the staff don;t allow us to shoot photo on the stage while Eason was signing.. then i figure out a way..using my SLR..to shoot..keke
The poster...
The CD packaging..got a bookelet of lyric n photos of this album..all in black n white..nice..!
CD cover ..wit his signature..muahahah !! this is the second album that got his signature le.. (pls refere my old post to hav a look on his previous album)
din really capture alot.. since i dun hav the proper video cam.. I only using my N82 to zoom it till maximum to record it.. not really clear..aiz..
Well..so sory for the unclear videos and far photos.. hope I will get a better lense in next time if he will come to our college again.. ha !!
have a nice day..
Saturday, July 4, 2009
2day when I juz got home.. the package men arrive n hand me a package..wit my name on it.. (First package I ever receive)
once I open it... taaadaa !! a novel "Angels & Demons" from Dan Brown..
inside got a letter... from Buena Vista Columbia Tristar Films ... said I won a special prize in a Readers Digest contest when the movie "Angels & Demons" shown in cinema quite a time ago..
Never thought I can win something from Readers Digest..keke.. ( I seldom buy it)
ha..tats all for this post.. It juz sharing my happiness for wining the prize..keke
The novel I won..keke
here is a review for my next post.. yesterday (Friday, 3th July 2009) Eason had came to my college to hav a mini concert .. will post some photos n video for that day in my next post.. haha!!
bye bye..n hav a nice day..
Thursday, June 18, 2009
From: 我妈...
许多人以为晚上睡觉,早上起床是件很普通的事... 可是你们知道许多上了年纪的父母都认为他们能活多一天已经是件很幸福的事.... 因为他们又多一天的时间来陪陪他们的孩子,孙子,朋友等 .... 他们都会很珍惜那一天的每一分,每一秒 ...
就如我妈妈,她会时常向我说以上的那番话.... 再加上她的孙子刚出世,更让她珍惜她所活下的每一天 .... 虽然她有时会抱怨她一天所做过的事,不过在她心里她知道,那是她正在活着的证明....
其实我知道她很怕一眨眼就会失去一切, 老实说,我也很怕一张开眼就失去她...
Monday, June 15, 2009
I know i know...my DSLR is juz Canon D1000, unlike u...better than me althought u are juz a entry level...
I know i know... I dun hav external flash and fancy lense... unlike u... have those fancy lense and Canon Speedlite 580EX...
So what..althought I only using the basic lense and no external flash...buy my photo shooting skill is far better than urs...!!! look at ur photos I will vomit...
So what... I juz using a 18-55mm lense... still I can capture better shot than u... after I edit my photo using softwares... It is far far far far far better than urs...
So what... I understand and know how to use those setting in a DSLR...unlike u...only using AUTO mode to do most of ur shot....
Don't forget... me n u both are juz entry level... only different is u r more richer than I...but still ur skill is juz a entry level..n u over depand on ur fancy gear..but not the soul and skill of a photographer need...
Don't forget.. one day I will hav the gear u hav it now... and that time... I already a far far far far better photographer than u!!!
U wana beat me during that time..pls improve ur skill..not by adding high end lense and flash... showing off ur gear wont beat me....but showing off ur skill will...I'll waiting for that day...!!
Thursday, June 4, 2009
(p/s: this is my first chinese post, i wondering why suddenly I'm in mood of typing chinese, those who dun know chinese, pls ask those who know chinese,haha....or u can ask me as well)
Monday, June 1, 2009
So sory din really update my blog... having a hard time for my self..I think... many things happen..which make me really down down down down...
Firstly, I was having a minor, non-serious home sickness when I staying at the new place for the first week... the feeling is very very uncomfortable for me... so damn hate long holiday, if the holiday is not 3 months long, I might not having this situation at all, cuz I like KL life....
Yes, talk bout new house, I currently staying alone in a single room which cost me twice the price for wat I use to rent last time.. money is one of the problem.. another problem is new environment that I not tat ready to accept yet..I thought I am ready, but I was wrong.. Besides that, another problem hunting me is, my gang is staying away on where I'm staying now... everytime I need to drive to their place to hav dinner.. I was "alone" here...
Third, one of my friend is leaving us (TARC) n continue her study in Hong Kong... this is another sad news for me..but I'm also felt happy for her too... not only her, another guy in our gang might leaving us as well, still waiting for his final decision...ha!
Well, what I mentioned above is juz some of the feeling I manage to express, there are lots more feeling that me myslef also dunknow how to define them one by one... is like many many confusing, fruastrating feeling all combine together that create another new weird feeling for me... its so abstract n I was so damn confuse...wat is going on...??
But now I'm abit ok already... some of the feeling is gone..but still hav something that ghosting me now... will try to cope wit that... I'll will fight till the end.. Let's c who is the winner in the end..muahahahahahaha !!!!!!
(p/s: hope u all dun mind for me to express my feeling here ya..!)
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Yes, after 3 months of holiday...finally back to school... need to "reactivate" my brain after 3 months of hibernation... haha !! and It is so good to be seeing all my friends, but some of them will not continue in advanced diploma...kinda sad for tat...
well.. going to advanced diploma already, many things will be change...the subjects will be harder than diploma, mostly the subjects in advanced diploma will be level 4, 5 or 6.. besides that, new coursemate from other TARC branches will be joining us in KL main campus as well... which mean classmate as well..in advanced diploma, January Intake no longer exist.. we (January Intake) will join together wit May Intake students and students from other branches also...
Moreover, this semester we will also haven a event to organize for subjects "Event Management"... can't wait for it...but for sure will bz like hell... hope my back bone will be 100% condition this time...
in the end, wish me and my friends good luck in advanced diploma... n all the best to those who joining other college or start working in the society... bye !!
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Juz back from those places I mentioned on this post title... having a quite serious sun burn on both of my arm, neck and leg even though I got apply sun block...
my gear during the trip.. look like back packing..keke
It was a great trip... I like the beach n the sea water...so chilling n fresh.. I like the activities there.. but got bit "over done" in snorkelling..keke.. saw alot of fishes, turtle, shark n boat.. blue sky, blue sea, fresh wind.. its a PARADISE...!!!
U know me, during this trip, I'm sure I will shot lots of lots of photos...yes..I shot over 900++ photos...haha.. totall 11Gb of memory I used..(cuz I using RAW format to capture photos..keke)
Thx to Weng Yen for shooting at me when I was concentrate shooting at the sea..
It is a place worth to go twice, trice..many many many times...it never get bored enjoying the life living near the sea... it is so "free" since there are no tar road, cars, bike, lorry... it was so calm..
See how satisfy I am toward the sea..keke
Other than sea, we also having a short tour on Kelantan...we visit few places like batik factory n silver factory...
Batik sifu...
Silver sifu...
Well, dun wan to talk much, show u some of the photos during the whole trip..
photo taken while we waiting for the boat to Perhentian Island
Coconut tree.. a plant u must shoot photo while u visit the beach..haha
Shot this at the beach of the chalet we staying... the sea water not the most clear n blue among the beaches we visit..but enough for me to swim n relax..
yay, group photo at Redang beach
I love this shot.. sandy beach, bluey sea water n clear blue sky in one shot...
unlike the sea water u saw in Port Dickson beach..rite..this is totally different..
Swim swim n swim...
Another group photo on the beach..
More More Tea inn..
Gambling?? haha.. trying to pass the time at nite since not much activities at Perhentian beach at night, sumore it is a heavy raining night...
Full gear of snorkeling..
me n ah girl...It is refreshing when snorkeling under hot sun..it cool u down..but still u will get sun burn..aiz..
some of them hardly to recognize since they wearing the mask..haha...
sea cucumber..
resting on the boat after snorkeling whole day..
Dinner time !!!
Big Buddha n tiny me..keke
again, big Sleeping Buddha, n tiny me..haha
Wat a pose..I like this photo..
Group photo infront of Sleeping Buddha
Wah..!! Guan Yin of Thousand Hand...!!
The last photo we shot before leaving Kelantan..along wit our Kelantan tour guide Mr Baha and his friend Mr Wira.. (I dun know his name, since he driving a Proton Wira to fect us, so I called him Mr Wira..keke)
Well, thats all for this post, kinda tire now since 2day I juz move into new house.. I hope u all enjoy it..hav a nice day..