ahaa... yesterday juz got my first lens for my DLSR, Canon EF 50mm f1.8 II ... It is not a fuiyoo lens because this lens is the most affordable lens in their product list... and the budget allow me to get it to shoot the photo I wanted to...
here some sample of my shooting... some photo is abit blur because this lens do not have image stabilizer.. like my Canon 18-55 IS (image stabilizer) lens... will try hard to pratice my hand to be more stabile... and besides that... this lens cannot zoom in or out..because it is a prime lens (lens with fixed focal length) ....
Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 II
Shot a photo to my another lens
My bear on my monitor screen
Shot this in front of Lowyat plaza
self shooting ....big face....
Another me, shot by my friend
my friend chee theng
Kiwi, the girl who get me a great deal on the lens, really thx to her
Sook Cheng, I not sure she allow me to post her photo or not.. but I do like this photo..so who cares !!
Chong, look at his face, so fall deeply in "model" shooting
ok, will have bunch more of photo in my blog... since my holiday is coming.. keke
hope u all enjoy my photo, have a nice day...
For your information, you need permission to photograph people due to state laws giving individuals privacy and publicity rights. The right of privacy gives an individual a legal claim against someone who intrudes on the individual's physical solitude or seclusion, and against those who publicly disclose private facts. Unless you have permission, avoid publishing or distributing any photo of an individual. Moreover, the right of publicity gives an individual a legal claim against one who uses the individual's name, face, image, or voice for commercial benefit without obtaining permission. Photographers avoid right of publicity or privacy lawsuits by obtaining photographic releases from people shown in their shots.
Disclaimer - All photographs are private property and any reuse, distribution, duplication or reproduction without the express written permission of the individual in the shot is not allowed.
Consequently, you’ll have to remove them!!
blah blah blah..sue me then... if i really earn money from ur face..kekeke
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