haha...so sory for long time din put a post on my blog, this is because now I'm having a 3 months break and currently working in my dad's office..as a..eh.... "data key in person" , this job hav to face the laptop whole day...key in all the very very very unorganize the spare parts of truck for my dad's company... so now I need to learn n getto know all the part of the truck's model number, type of engine, piston, crank shaft, cam shaft, n more n more n more n more..after back home..was too lazy to blog..keke
but I hav to work lo..to buy new equipment for my DSLR camera..hav to sacrafice lo...

Well, this is my working environment...can u c the list of the spare part on the left hand side of the photo? well..tell u wat..this is ONLY 10% of all the part for the truck... @_@
OK..tats all for this post.. will update the next post ASAP....sry again for late posting on my blog.. hav a nice day..
Hey~ how's ur life goin?
As ur latest post mentions, u work for ur dad everyday...
Result is gonna release soon, quite nervous...(=^^=)...
Anyhow, ALL DA BEST 2 u! Hope 2 hear more from u too! Tata..
haha...ya..scare of the result as well..especially the media relations..haha...but i sure gonna resit tamadun liao..uk now y la..stupid policy...=.=
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