Hong Kong, "here i come" or "i don't want to go Hong Kong"
First, i would like to say sory for not posting something on my blog for quite a time, about 1 week..cuz i been bz on settle sumting, and went to Genting to hav a "rest" there, but it is not, although it only a 1 day trip...i will further explain this trip in next post..after 5 or 6 days, after back from Hong Kong...
It is quite rush cuz once i back from genting, then after 1 day i will fly to Hong Kong, so i need to pack up my thing in 1 day, which i haven plan wat to pack..this make my mom nervous and she questioning me y i'm still go to Genting..
Talk back to the main purpose of this post...most of u sure wondering y i got chance to go to Hong Kong but i'm still curious about it..well, let me tell you, YES, I DO like travel to Hong Kong, if i travel ALONE or either be wit my LOVED person...in the other way round, NO, I DO NOT want go Hong Kong by joining a GROUP TRIP from travel agency, which i will following a TRIP leader carrying the stupid flag, following bunch of noisy ah sum n ah pek; pasar aunty and uncle, which will spoil the trip by making those irritating noise...and most important is, i DO NOT LIKE to follow a trip cuz i dun feel any freedom from there, i dun care whether the trip is free o not..its look cheap and uncool for me...
Many of you sure wondering y i still make alot of complains on this trip, well..is hard to tell u here, u will understand me if u really know my personality and stand in my point of view...
But not matter wat, i already promised my family to go n the place from travel agency already booked, so i have to go..i really hope it is a good trip..although i din really excited in this trip, sry to said tat..
I will try to update my blog once i back from Hong Kong and hav enough rest..hehe..and sory if my post is offending to anyone, including my friends, relative or parents who viewing this post..thank you, and have a nice day..good nite..
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Friday, September 19, 2008
Tagged by Lay Hoon
Name: Chung Chok Yong
Sisters: none
Brother: 2 brothers
Shoe size: between 10 to 11
Height: 176cm..i think, last time i measure was bout 3 years ago...
Where do you live: Klang
Favorite drinks: anything sour and tequila
Favorite breakfast: never had b4 since i join TAR College..hehe..
Have you ever been on a plane: Yes
Swam in the ocean: nope, still learning to swim...
Fell of your chair: eh...nope, i think
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: haha...whatever, if got ppl call then answer it lo, if no then leave it lo..i'm not tat desperate on calling o being call...
Saved e-mails: lots of them...(wat kind of question is it? =.=)
What is your room like: as comfortable as possible, as modern as possible, as tidy as possible, as high tech as possible, but none of them is happening in my room..=.=
What's right beside you: eh, my gadgets, psp, N82, N73, bluetooth headset, watch, pendrives
What's the last thing you ate: Hakka traditional dishes, Lei Cha..(i'm bet most of u dun know wat is it...ha!)
Ever had:
chicken pox: yes
Sore throat: tell me if u dun ever have it..!!!
Stitches: nope
Do you believe in love at first sight: i think so..but it so unreal..
Like picnics: eh..never had b4..so i dun hav any feeling on it..
Who was the last person you dance with: nope, cuz i never dance b4...
Last made you smile: eh..the technician who installing the amplifier in my car...
You last yelled at: after exam which was about 3 days ago..
Today did you:
Talk to someone you like: she din reply me...=.=
Kissed anyone: nope
Talk to an ex: nope
Miss someone: everytime, anywhere,
Eat: repeated question, go c my previous answer !!!
Best feeling in the world: own the most high tech house beside of a very calm lake n mountain with chill weather..
Do you sleep with stuffed animals: nope
What's under your bed: the floor...
Who do you really hate: policticians....
What time is it now: 9.15pm
Is there a person who is on your mind now: ha!! wat do ya' think ??
Do you have any siblings: yes
Do you want children: dun know
Do you smile often: i'm not a robot..so wat do ya' think??
Do you like handwriting: never!!! i prefere typing than handwriting cuz my handwriting sux !!!
Are your toenails painted: i'm a guy for god sake..!!!
Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in: my own bed...
What color shirt are you wearing now: White...
What were you doing at 7.00pm yesterday: having dinner wit family..
I can't wait till: have a girlfriend, perhaps? ha !!!
When did you last cry: so long until i forgotten...
Are you a friendly person: have to, i'm a PR
Do you have any pets: a hamster...
Where is the person you have feelings right now: CLASSIFIED
Did the last person you held hands with mean anything to you now: long time din hold a person hand already..
Do you sleep with the TV on: its been awhile since i watch TV
What are you doing right now: answer these questions ...=.=
Have you ever crawled through a window: yes
Can you handle the truth: ha!!! wat do ya' think
Are you too forgiving: depend...
Are you closer to your mother or father: both also not...
Who was the last person you cried in front of: please refere to my answer above...
How many people can you say you've really loved: i love everyone i loved..^^
Do you eat healthy: wat healthy food can u get near Setapak TAR Colllege..let me know..!
Do you still have pictures of you and your ex: nope
If you're having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to: no one
Are you loud or quiet most of the time: depend
Are you confident: depend on which field and situation i'm now...
5 things I was doing 10 years ago:
-improve my self
-improve my self
-improve my self
-improve my self
-improve my self
5 things on my TO-DO list today:
-service my car
-fix my car sound system
-update my blog
-replay Stars Wars: The Force Unleash game with hard mode in PSP
-Editing Beyond mp3 into my hp ringtone
5 things I would do if I was a billionaire:
-own the most high tech house nearby a calm lake n mountain with chill weather
5 of my bad habits:
5 people to tag:
-hng 淑君 (this is the only person think she will reply my tag)
Name: Chung Chok Yong
Sisters: none
Brother: 2 brothers
Shoe size: between 10 to 11
Height: 176cm..i think, last time i measure was bout 3 years ago...
Where do you live: Klang
Favorite drinks: anything sour and tequila
Favorite breakfast: never had b4 since i join TAR College..hehe..
Have you ever been on a plane: Yes
Swam in the ocean: nope, still learning to swim...
Fell of your chair: eh...nope, i think
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: haha...whatever, if got ppl call then answer it lo, if no then leave it lo..i'm not tat desperate on calling o being call...
Saved e-mails: lots of them...(wat kind of question is it? =.=)
What is your room like: as comfortable as possible, as modern as possible, as tidy as possible, as high tech as possible, but none of them is happening in my room..=.=
What's right beside you: eh, my gadgets, psp, N82, N73, bluetooth headset, watch, pendrives
What's the last thing you ate: Hakka traditional dishes, Lei Cha..(i'm bet most of u dun know wat is it...ha!)
Ever had:
chicken pox: yes
Sore throat: tell me if u dun ever have it..!!!
Stitches: nope
Do you believe in love at first sight: i think so..but it so unreal..
Like picnics: eh..never had b4..so i dun hav any feeling on it..
Who was the last person you dance with: nope, cuz i never dance b4...
Last made you smile: eh..the technician who installing the amplifier in my car...
You last yelled at: after exam which was about 3 days ago..
Today did you:
Talk to someone you like: she din reply me...=.=
Kissed anyone: nope
Talk to an ex: nope
Miss someone: everytime, anywhere,
Eat: repeated question, go c my previous answer !!!
Best feeling in the world: own the most high tech house beside of a very calm lake n mountain with chill weather..
Do you sleep with stuffed animals: nope
What's under your bed: the floor...
Who do you really hate: policticians....
What time is it now: 9.15pm
Is there a person who is on your mind now: ha!! wat do ya' think ??
Do you have any siblings: yes
Do you want children: dun know
Do you smile often: i'm not a robot..so wat do ya' think??
Do you like handwriting: never!!! i prefere typing than handwriting cuz my handwriting sux !!!
Are your toenails painted: i'm a guy for god sake..!!!
Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in: my own bed...
What color shirt are you wearing now: White...
What were you doing at 7.00pm yesterday: having dinner wit family..
I can't wait till: have a girlfriend, perhaps? ha !!!
When did you last cry: so long until i forgotten...
Are you a friendly person: have to, i'm a PR
Do you have any pets: a hamster...
Where is the person you have feelings right now: CLASSIFIED
Did the last person you held hands with mean anything to you now: long time din hold a person hand already..
Do you sleep with the TV on: its been awhile since i watch TV
What are you doing right now: answer these questions ...=.=
Have you ever crawled through a window: yes
Can you handle the truth: ha!!! wat do ya' think
Are you too forgiving: depend...
Are you closer to your mother or father: both also not...
Who was the last person you cried in front of: please refere to my answer above...
How many people can you say you've really loved: i love everyone i loved..^^
Do you eat healthy: wat healthy food can u get near Setapak TAR Colllege..let me know..!
Do you still have pictures of you and your ex: nope
If you're having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to: no one
Are you loud or quiet most of the time: depend
Are you confident: depend on which field and situation i'm now...
5 things I was doing 10 years ago:
-improve my self
-improve my self
-improve my self
-improve my self
-improve my self
5 things on my TO-DO list today:
-service my car
-fix my car sound system
-update my blog
-replay Stars Wars: The Force Unleash game with hard mode in PSP
-Editing Beyond mp3 into my hp ringtone
5 things I would do if I was a billionaire:
-own the most high tech house nearby a calm lake n mountain with chill weather
5 of my bad habits:
5 people to tag:
-hng 淑君 (this is the only person think she will reply my tag)
mY PC broke down !!!
I cant on my pc when i brought it from KL to Klang..i was so curious why the screen show nthg when i on my PC...so i went to check my graphic card, it is ok..screen...also fine..so what is the problem..i was sitting on the floor n scracth my head till bleed, wondering what happen to my "wife" (my pc la)...OMG!!!
after awhile, i decide to call for help..Ah Keong, my pc friend where work as a technician in Sunway Pyramid, i bought and introduce Asus laptop n PCs brought from him, including my little brother, my dad's office and some of my friends and my aunt's pc...ha...I am his big customer..
he ask me to bring the pc to him..so i rush there immediately, when he saw my pc..he siad" aiyooo, too many dust la..not enough air flow to my processor, so it was overheat, moreover, ur pc is on 24/7, no wonder ur "wife" will broke down la....". i depressed n sad..i asked him to help me n teach me how to clean her, so he teach me step by step..when he take out the processor n shake it, whole bunch of dust juz fell like sand..=.=' ...so sory my dear, never know u get cover by those thick dust for so long d...
after cleaning up all the dust including the fan, graphic card, sound card, motherboard and rams, it look like a brand new pc..keke..when he try to on her, she back to live again!!! yay !!!
damn, i really cant live without computer, haha..afther this time, i wll very concious about the "health" n "cleaniness" of my pc...was so scary to c my "wife" broke down..=.=
I cant on my pc when i brought it from KL to Klang..i was so curious why the screen show nthg when i on my PC...so i went to check my graphic card, it is ok..screen...also fine..so what is the problem..i was sitting on the floor n scracth my head till bleed, wondering what happen to my "wife" (my pc la)...OMG!!!
after awhile, i decide to call for help..Ah Keong, my pc friend where work as a technician in Sunway Pyramid, i bought and introduce Asus laptop n PCs brought from him, including my little brother, my dad's office and some of my friends and my aunt's pc...ha...I am his big customer..
he ask me to bring the pc to him..so i rush there immediately, when he saw my pc..he siad" aiyooo, too many dust la..not enough air flow to my processor, so it was overheat, moreover, ur pc is on 24/7, no wonder ur "wife" will broke down la....". i depressed n sad..i asked him to help me n teach me how to clean her, so he teach me step by step..when he take out the processor n shake it, whole bunch of dust juz fell like sand..=.=' ...so sory my dear, never know u get cover by those thick dust for so long d...
after cleaning up all the dust including the fan, graphic card, sound card, motherboard and rams, it look like a brand new pc..keke..when he try to on her, she back to live again!!! yay !!!
damn, i really cant live without computer, haha..afther this time, i wll very concious about the "health" n "cleaniness" of my pc...was so scary to c my "wife" broke down..=.=
Saturday, September 13, 2008
YaY!! finish exam lo...is time to enjoy, is time to holiday !!
But i realize every time finish exam, i will juz stay at home, facing wit my pc..doing whatever...unless got any special occasion like, mom asking me out...o family vacation..I seldom go out with friends although i have many in Klang..but still sumtime i refuse to do so based on the 2 reasons:-
YaY!! finish exam lo...is time to enjoy, is time to holiday !!
But i realize every time finish exam, i will juz stay at home, facing wit my pc..doing whatever...unless got any special occasion like, mom asking me out...o family vacation..I seldom go out with friends although i have many in Klang..but still sumtime i refuse to do so based on the 2 reasons:-
- got nothing to do here in Klang, except for eating Bah Kut Teh and shopping in the Malaysia most biggest Aeon Jusco in Bukit Tinggi which have nothing to see there but a bunch of local "la la zai" n some aunty who think they are pretty and cute by wearing like 18 years old girl which made them look like monster from Mars...
- i become lazy to drive everytime i go back to Klang..cuz of the traffice, stupid government "upgrading" the main road to city to dun know wat kind of road they wanted to made...which made the whole city of Klang jam..(Hail to the MPK and Sammy Vellu, we paid u to jamming us..thank you!)
Friday, September 12, 2008
The End of Day
Imagine, what if the end of day i juz about few weeks from now..what will you do? well..below is a list show wat i will do before the end of day...
well..thats all i think...maybe the real day NOT YET reach yet..so i cant really know wat i wan..HOW BOUT YOU ???
Imagine, what if the end of day i juz about few weeks from now..what will you do? well..below is a list show wat i will do before the end of day...
- get a gun, kill all the person i hate..including some politician..heh!
- drive a Lamborghini...
- fly to Hong Kong, band-ing with Beyond...(if i know how to play with them)
- bungee jump and parachuting at least 1 time...
- blow up TAR College..kekeke...
- fly to place i wanted to go..like England, U.S.A, Australia, France, Japan
- fly a F-22 fighter air craft
- must meet Panda Girl...(wish she will read this..keke)
- knowing the secret recipe of KFC and Coca-Cola
- own the most high tech house beside a very calm lake that surrounded by chilling forest and mountains
- propose to a girl i like..kiss her until the last minute of the world...(so romantic..haha)
well..thats all i think...maybe the real day NOT YET reach yet..so i cant really know wat i wan..HOW BOUT YOU ???

Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Beyond Next Stage Concert

Beyond is coming to Malaysia..!! most probably i will go..no matter how !! haha..although only Paul Wong n Sai Wing are coming without Wong Kah Keong..But still i will go..the only problem is i want go for VIP ...but quite expensive..anyway..is really hard to c them in Malaysia since they seldom sing now..so grab ur chance now..if not u will regreat later.. Below are the introduction on this concert from Genting website..:
Beyond returns to rock Malaysia and Genting Highlands, after their previous concert here in 2004. Having been around since 1983, Beyond has been considered veterans of the Canto-rock scene. Their recordings have been a source of inspiration for many fans and Canto-rock enthusiasts alike, with countless albums and chart topping hits under the band's name.

Beyond is coming to Malaysia..!! most probably i will go..no matter how !! haha..although only Paul Wong n Sai Wing are coming without Wong Kah Keong..But still i will go..the only problem is i want go for VIP ...but quite expensive..anyway..is really hard to c them in Malaysia since they seldom sing now..so grab ur chance now..if not u will regreat later.. Below are the introduction on this concert from Genting website..:
Beyond returns to rock Malaysia and Genting Highlands, after their previous concert here in 2004. Having been around since 1983, Beyond has been considered veterans of the Canto-rock scene. Their recordings have been a source of inspiration for many fans and Canto-rock enthusiasts alike, with countless albums and chart topping hits under the band's name.
Come join Paul Wong & Yip Sai Wing as they rock the house with timeless tunes like Glorious Age, Lover and Amani as they share 25 years of experience in the music industry.Don't miss this opportunity to catch Beyond at 8PM, 11th October 2008 at Arena of Star for one-night only show
Any detail..can go to Genting Website at:
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Crazy about Desktop PC Modding
I like computer, i know it, everybody know it...I so like computer until i cant stop craving to upgrade my desktop pc..but only problem is NOT ENOUGH CASH $$$
haha..but i got do abit modding on my system unit a.k.a CPU...like adding some LED casing fan, and a Musketeer system dynamics detector from Cooler Master...Besides that, i also paste some sticker..cuz last time i found some sticker which i dun know where it come from..so i juz paste it on my casing..ha !

mY casing from the side view

another side view pic..

view from the front

mY casing, glowing at dark...

Others people crazy casing modding

a casing that burn like fire..

the "Ice Cube"...

a casing named "digg"

dun know how to name it also..=.=but nice !

LED casing...

Dual screen red casing..

a X-Fi casing

Half-Life 2 (a very popular PC games) casing..

the "green" casing..
I like computer, i know it, everybody know it...I so like computer until i cant stop craving to upgrade my desktop pc..but only problem is NOT ENOUGH CASH $$$
haha..but i got do abit modding on my system unit a.k.a CPU...like adding some LED casing fan, and a Musketeer system dynamics detector from Cooler Master...Besides that, i also paste some sticker..cuz last time i found some sticker which i dun know where it come from..so i juz paste it on my casing..ha !

mY casing from the side view

another side view pic..

view from the front

mY casing, glowing at dark...

Others people crazy casing modding

a casing that burn like fire..

the "Ice Cube"...

a casing named "digg"

dun know how to name it also..=.=but nice !

LED casing...

Dual screen red casing..

a X-Fi casing

Half-Life 2 (a very popular PC games) casing..

the "green" casing..
Pocket Burning
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Exam !!!!!
Exam, exam, exam, now is TARC exam period..all TARCian are busying do revision on what the lecturer lecturing for the past 14 weeks..well...to those who din really go for class ...god bless them.. (god bless me also..keke)..
Many of u sure wondering in this critical time, why i'm still free to write blog..hehe..well, actually i juz taking a rest for my 6 hours study ( i'm not lying..)...so now i surfing the net, blogging and watch some funny videos in Metacafe...after 10 or 20 minutes, i should go back to study.

mY desk when i was doing my revision..so messy..

mY "vitality" during the exam period..hehe..
Ok..i will stop here..good luck to those who having exam now (TARCian), study hard, study smart..have a nice day...
Exam, exam, exam, now is TARC exam period..all TARCian are busying do revision on what the lecturer lecturing for the past 14 weeks..well...to those who din really go for class ...god bless them.. (god bless me also..keke)..
Many of u sure wondering in this critical time, why i'm still free to write blog..hehe..well, actually i juz taking a rest for my 6 hours study ( i'm not lying..)...so now i surfing the net, blogging and watch some funny videos in Metacafe...after 10 or 20 minutes, i should go back to study.

mY desk when i was doing my revision..so messy..

mY "vitality" during the exam period..hehe..
Ok..i will stop here..good luck to those who having exam now (TARCian), study hard, study smart..have a nice day...
Monday, September 1, 2008
Purple Glitz Shooting Trip
I get to know Purple Glitz Studio when i trying to find sponsor for my event "Faces of Malaysia". Purple Glitz is a makeup and photography studio that provide makeover and photography include wedding photo shooting, children and teenage photo shooting, studio renting, product shoot, F&B shoot, E-commerce business shoot, fashion shoot and makeover, model shoot and makeover, annual dinner or event shoot and makeover, magazine or commercial shoot and makeover and many more services...
Moreover, recently they have a shooting trip in Titiwangsa, Tasik Permaisuri, Lake Garden, Putra Jaya, Melaka (extra RM30 to RM50 for transport fees) or other location the customers suggest...Their first station is at Putrajaya, so hurry up whoever wana shoot some beautiful photo in these beautiful location, pls book now at www.purpleglitz.com
Any question?
you can visit
Purple Glitz Studio's website: www.purpleglitz.com
call: Ms. Jolyn Lee 012-6995825
I get to know Purple Glitz Studio when i trying to find sponsor for my event "Faces of Malaysia". Purple Glitz is a makeup and photography studio that provide makeover and photography include wedding photo shooting, children and teenage photo shooting, studio renting, product shoot, F&B shoot, E-commerce business shoot, fashion shoot and makeover, model shoot and makeover, annual dinner or event shoot and makeover, magazine or commercial shoot and makeover and many more services...
Moreover, recently they have a shooting trip in Titiwangsa, Tasik Permaisuri, Lake Garden, Putra Jaya, Melaka (extra RM30 to RM50 for transport fees) or other location the customers suggest...Their first station is at Putrajaya, so hurry up whoever wana shoot some beautiful photo in these beautiful location, pls book now at www.purpleglitz.com
Any question?
you can visit
Purple Glitz Studio's website: www.purpleglitz.com
call: Ms. Jolyn Lee 012-6995825
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