Few days before the event (18th n 19th August), we DPR2 were bz wit the preparation for the "Faces of Malaysia" and eventually we only finish all the preparation at 4am on the day of the event..
Actually nthg to much to said, only pictures i took during the preparation..since pictures won a thousand word, so i decide to make this post to a "Photo Blog"..hehe..

The stage...

College hall before we assemble the structure for each Chinese, Indian and Malay booth..

Entrance of the college hall..

Indian "Kolam" at the entrance of the college hall

mE !!! bz pasting each alphabets on the polystyrene board..

i call this "painting and cutting" team..

another "painting and cutting" team ..hehe

Leaf folding team..they fold the coconut leaf into a Indian traditional decoration..

one more "painting and cutting" team..

they practicing traditional Chinese Tea performance..( i dun know wat its call in eng..but in mandrin it call "茶道")

In front of the college hall full of DPR2 students, they do all the painting n cutting job for the event..

Information Editing team..can c my Canon IP1000 printer..haha..

Goodies bags from "我来也"...

Goodies bags from Maxis Hotlink

Malay booth structure..

Coconut Fence for the Indian booth..

they painting our course title on the backdrop..

Chinese decoration on some branch...quite creative..i like that..

mE decoration Chinese booth information softboard..

Indian booth, under construction..

Malay booth, also under construction..

Chinese booth, still under construction..
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