i went to a Eason career sharing event in my college (TARC in short) that organized by our college Career Society. At last TARC organized some event that really worth to go..compare to last time...this event is far far far far better than other events that invite those "famous" celebrity (remember, is celebrity, not singer) kononya...Because i got buy his latest Limited Edition "不想放手" album, so i manage to get a VIP ticket to c Eason "closely"...

Eason latest Limited Edition Album

Eason autograph
the event stage banner..
On that day, the queue to enter the hall is still long..although i hav the VIP ticket..well this can show how great and powerful Eason's song is..people call him "God of Song" for next generation after Jacky Cheung.
Well when inside the hall. the college staffs are here (do they really know who is Eason..since some of the staffs are reeally old), Eason fans club are here, VIP (me n other who bought the album) are here..and those normal ticket are here and they standing behind us..pity them..
the non VIP "seat"
full of Eason fans..
Eason fans club..
the event suppose to start at 7pm..but because Eason was sick n he suppose to come to Malaysia at 9th August, his doctor do not allow him to take the flight until his sick was better. So he only come to Malaysia in 10th August 1pm from Hong Kong..when he reach KLIA, it was already 7pm to 8pm, and when he reach TARC, it was already 9pm something...but all his fans still waiting patienly...
the MC with Eason
He came, he sang, he talked about his career, we played some games, after that is autograph section..below are some of his singing clip and alittle bit of his talk..sry for the shaky video shooting cuz i do not hav the tripod to make my camera steady..
The first song he sang.."路...一直都有" ( there always a road )
next song he sang.."然后怎样"...
"然后怎样" again after he sang few words wrongly..n he resang the song without music..wow..!
last song before the event end..this song was request by one of the fans..called"富士山下"
so...after the last song..is his autograph section...the queue is quite long..but because i was in the first few lines..so it only took half hour for me to get the autograph...
the only photo i manage to shoot before the Universal Studio staff come n stop me..hehe..
i really dislike the Universal Studio staff..they are so "Lan Si", not event allow us to take Eason photo during the autograph session., and they juz keep show his n her "smelly face" for the whole event..like we own them millions of money...WTF..~~! i really want to tell them:" ooi, please move away, ur "smelly face" was blocking the people (Eason) that i wana shoot..if not i will complain to ur company that u show "unfriendly" attitude to us !"...( p/s: i already send a complain letter to Universal Studio..kekeke..hope it will work..)
1 comment:
eason!!!!!! arGHHHH
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