Suddenly my PC was so lag when open multiple programs n running multiple process at once, I'm very SURE this never happen b4 !!
So I go n open up my system unit's casing, remove the Processor's fan n clean up the dust on the fan cuz the dust was blocking the air flow... the dust was kinda thick, hehehe.
But after cleaning n re-install the fan, is still the same, still lagging when I run the same programs again.... So I went to computer setup before booting the Windows, n check the Processor tempreture, it was 90 degree celcius !!!! my god, left another 10++ degrees more, the Processor can boil a water d...
Then I immediately open the Processor's fan again, n discover the thermal paste had dried up =.= ...let me explain some basic things about this thermal paste, it is a paste that put between ur Processor's fan n Processor, it use to transfer heat from Processor to the Heat sink fan (Processor's fan) so it cool off ur Processor...
The thermal paste, I plan to buy Cooler Master d, but no stock, so I choose this, dun know wat is the brand, but it cost me RM20
So on the next day, I went n buy the thermal paste thant cost me rm20, kinda expensive, but who care when it slove my problem.. n apply it on my Processor, after struggle for few minutes to put the Processor's fan on (oohh.. I hate cliping pin for Processor's fan) and redirect some casing fan to blow directly to the Processor n Graphic Card (my Graphic Card is about 60 degree celcius hot !)... YES... my Processor had cool down to 45 degree celcius !! half reduced !!
C how small it is, the paste inside this container is less than half of the container... =.=, but wat the hell, as long it works to save my PC, money is not a problem
thank god the thermal paste work like charm !!! so here I hav some warning to my readers, do mind ur PC's tempreture and air flow, it will affect ur PC performance, n if it is serious, burn ur Processor.. hav a nice day..bye !
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