Friday, September 3, 2010

A Lovely Friend of My

Last few weeks I develop this photo of my friend using Adobe Lightroom. It is my first attempt to edit and beautify a portrait shot.

Seldom have the chance to post her photo on my Facebook or blog because she always said she is not photogenic or not pretty. But somehow in these few years we manage to brainwash her (hehehe~~) and force her to take more shots and the result turn out quite good.

She getting more and more "Camwhore-ing" and expose to more and more photos. Moreover, there is not much time we can spend free time gather and hang out together since our college time is about to end.

As a friends of her for almost 4 years...I can see how she change physically (trust me, she changed damn lot !!) and what remain is she always the smart, clever and talented one among us..

Any comment for this photos, or any part to be improve, do leave me a comment for this post.

Thank You ~~!