Yeah, I've been MIA for almost 3 months since my last entry of my blog... Stuffs non-stop continuing flooding my schedule, reports, assignment, thesis, weekly homework, and a bit of slacking off...
So how are you my dear reader... I bet your guys already fed up for my late entry of my blog...never mind, will try to bring it back to live again.
So what the hell I am doing now? For my readers under the same course with me or study under the same college, you guys sure know now is the EXAM PERIOD ~~! hell yeah...~~!! As usual, study till very very late where sometimes I do forget to sleep or not to due to overflow of notes to be understand (understand only, not memorize)
I bet no one likes exam right? me either... I more prefer practical works than exam. Exam there are not environmental friendly and certainly not human friendly due to the amount of stress it will cause to human being. But too bad in Malaysia exam serve as an important role of setting your level of knowledge (yeah, my ass~~!)
My study style? well memorizing certainly not my style. I more to understand it, by using my very own words I will try to express those theories and points... MY WAY~~! plus a little bit of memorizing la.. This will not bring me to good result of course because what I expressed sometimes do not understand by others.
Well in the end, I wish those who having exam, Study Hard, Study Smart....Good Luck and God Speed ~~!!
Will try to keep my blog update la~~ since some peoples already making noise there for not updating my blog and they like "disconnected" with me... ( Like I don't have a Facebook account =.=)

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