About half month ago, i was being "call of duty" by Student Affairs Department in TAR College's Counseling Unit to prepare and help in a event called Mental Health Week...(tats y i keep delaying posting my Hong Kong and Shen Zhen trip for few weeks)
This event is held for 3 days from 15th to 17th of September. It is a event about mental sickness, their symptoms, solutions, etc... it is quite beneficial to those who always felt stress for study, family or even friends.. me also found out i have few symptoms of some mental sickness, hehehe =.='
Well, before the actual event, as usual we prepare everything for the exhibition, arranging soft board, design it...luckily we no need to find the information in this event since the Counseling Until already prepared for us...(unlike our last event, Faces of Malaysia which we need to prepare from A to Z...tiring and suffering, hehe)
In this event, we divided into few segment, we got exhibition section which all the information about mental sickness will exhibit there, we got movie clip section which all the short video clips about mental sickness will being show there, we got games and origami section which many relaxing games can be play there and learn how to do origami, we got movie screening which 2 movies will be show at tat time and the last is the fitness and wellness section which exercises activities will be held in tat time... me incharge in movie screen, i am the leader and the only helper...but got people from other section helping me to set up the place..thx to them very much ^^ !!
Lastly, the event can consider successful, comment from the public to us was quite good, and i hope this event can really help people which have problem coping with their own mind..I posted some photos, hope u all enjoy it..
Vyn and Chee Teng in front of exhibition section
Our wishing tree in the exhibition area, many people was making their wish, some of them wish to hav good result for the exam, some of them wish to be love more, etc.. i wish their wish will come true !!!
Juz keep smiling, juz keep smiling smiling..hehe !!
Origami section, this is our origami guru, Mr Johnny, also a very good joke maker and English lecturer.. All the origami inside the photos are made by him
Gaming section, can u c me?
Get ready for aerobics time
They sweat like hell tat day..muhahaha
Wat is he doing???
Sahaja Yoga meditation, help u to release ur inner power called Kundalini, which opens energy centers within us called Chakra (to those who watch Naruto anime, do this sound familiar to you? keke)
me in front of video clips section, posing Jackie Chan favorite pose, hehe
Our publicity team, without them, no one will come to our event, thx guys !!! bravo! bravo!
mE and the event coordinator, Tan Zi Chin, she is so damn tall =.='

The whole team members together with Ms Lum and Ms Evelyn (hope i din spell wrong her name)
Well, that all for this post, hope u all enjoy it, bye bye and hav a nice day !!
Hi!!! Thanks for the pic and mention for Sahaja yoga!! If you'd like to clarify, its about an inner power called Kundalini, which opens energy centers within us called Chakras.
Anyhoo, not a big deal!
WOW...there's only 1 word i can say--AWESOME!! but how come there were a lot of PR students? were u helpers? btw,it's really a great job! i missed a chance 4 workin vf u all 2gether...(T.T)
haha..thx...ya..we are the helpers, actually ms yesu also got invlove...but since she not here..so left only us lo..haha..how come u know my blog d?
oic...it looked fun!
i saw ur blog address frm ur frnstr profile ma..hehe i like 2 read ppl's blogs, so jz droped by 2 leave some comments lo...^^
hv a nice day~
Nice brief and this mail helped me alot in my college assignement. Gratefulness you on your information.
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