1st December was Chin Birthday, the tallest girl in our DPR course..haha
We celebrate her birthday in school (is the first time, u know), felt abit weird, everyone was looking at u when pass by the place..keke !
Tat day, after our morning class, we went to KLCC to buy a cake for her (since she is a "high class" girl, of cuz the cake must from a high class place..keke), and ask some of my friends to hold her while we prepare the party...
After we finished prepare, my friends bring her in, she quite suprise when saw all of us singing birthday song for her..including 1 lecturer..Ms Yesu..keke. It is a simple party but quite enjoy it, because we have cream a fight between Chin, Chong n Ms.Yesu, hoho, everyone gone mad n forgot they r still in the college...
We din really prepare any present to her cuz we dun know wat to buy for her...hard to know wat she like... I only prepared a card with a little love shape bookmark inside (Chin, hope u will like it) n Sim's gang prepared a funny card for her...
Here some photo for tat day, hope u all will enjoy it !!
Suprise!! Chin !!!
Everyone singing birthday song to Chin, poor Chong was protecting the candle being blow off
A strawberry cake from Sun Moulin
Chin was making wishes
Happy Birthday, Chin !!!
Torturing her..keke...it was Ms.Yesu's idea
aawwww .....
Birthday card, left side was from Sim, right side was from me
Chin n Sim
Me n Chin...hungry
Another torture from Ms.Yesu...haha
aawww...poor girl..
The cake was soooo nice !!
Haha, revenge, Ms.Yesu turn ...muahahahaa!!!!
The Black Gang, we accidently wear black on that day
Peacock Chin
1 big happy gang...!!!
Well, thats all for this post...there are more birthday post coming in future, cuz alot of friend birthday these 2 months..haha, c ya!!!
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