Now is exam period..everyone were bzing for revision...well guess wat am I doing during the exam period.... go out at midnite, hav supper at MacD, then go up hill at Hulu Langat to shoot photos..keke
Well, my temporary housemate Sim n Pauline's friend from Miri come to KL to visit them... so after meeting her, we decide to go Jalan Ipoh to hav dim sum..who know when we got there...the shop din open..~!@#$%^&*...!! the dim sum was so nice !!! but no choice, we have to had our supper at Titiwwangsa MacD
After that, we decide to go Hulu Langat, to veiw the night of KL, is the second time I hav been there, but this is special...we went there at 3am !!!! Crazy crazy !!!
Wat the hell we can doing there at the middle of the night? well we shoot some photos, chit chat, light painting and relaxing during the exam period..
Here are some of the photo we shot that day
At MacD
Meet my new friend, Winnie Lau SIt Chen (Xue Zhen)
Xue Zhen n Pauline, the MacD seem so cold..keke
Snowing or raining???
Xue Zhen n Sim
Crazy day.. die straight away..
3 of them, Mirian
At Hulu Langat
the view from Hulu Langay
Sim n Xue Zhen, so windy n cold there
Can't really c the view of KL since my camera do not hav the external flash n lack of skill
me n her, Xue Zhen..hehe
4 of us..who hold the camera? the tripod lah..haha
Got people said I look like polician..=.=
Freedom ~~~!!!!!!
Light Painting
Is a technique that adjust the camera shutter speed to long enough to catch the light beam create by flashlight...while during the capturing time, u draw watever u wan to draw...well.basiclly is like tat lah..keke
Here are some photo we shot that day
Angel Ivan (thx for Pauline for drawing such a nice wings)
Angel Xue Zhen
Angel Sim
My name, Ivan
Ling, by Pauline (Bao Ling)
Zhen by Xue Zhen
Sim by Sim....hehe
Smilling face by me
Tulip by Xue Zhen
Well, next post I will talk about our trip at KLCC, will update as soon as possible since now is waring time between me n final exam..have a nice day..bye bye!!!
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