Sory guys for very late posting on my blog, was bz preparing for exam after Chinese New Year, which totally spoil the mood...
Ok, back to this topic, after finish my exam, many activites await me, I went to Genting, Jusco Kepong, n Neway juz one day !!!
On Friday morning, we gather at TBR near TAR College and had our breakfast b4 head to Genting with bus and cable car... not much activities there, only went to casino, MacD and walk around n shoot are some photos shot during that day...

Sim n Chong, at cable car

From left Vyn, Chee Teng, Sim n Ms.Yesu

Chew n Me

Cable cars, in the middle of moutain

Latest Nissan Skyline GTR !!! in Genting !!

CNY decoration in Genting, so many umbrellas

Chew, Sim n Chee Teng

Group photo, except me, the camera man..haha

Me n Chee Teng, damn I look thin, keke

Genting sky

Nice flower, this photo was not shot by me, I at casino that time, keke

Nice bokeh huh...haha

Another flower photo

So many flowers, look like Cameron Highland more than Genting

Me n Ms.Yesu, they said I look like same age with Ms.Yesu =.=

Vyn n Ms.Yesu

Chee Teng n Ms.Yesu

Chew n Ms.Yesu

Chong n Ms.Yesu


Lastly before go back, a group photo..^^ at MacD
So after back from Genting, straight away we went to Kepong Jusco to meet Sook Cheng, we had our dinner at Kepong Jusco, n a birthday surprise for me n Vyn...really shock since I tought we only plan to surprise Vyn, who knows the cake also got my name on it..hahaha.. Here are some photos for the surprise.

Happy birthday, Vyn!! n Me, although it is 8 days earlier..haha



Birthday guy n girl with Chong

Sook Cheng, Ms.Yesu, Vyn n me

Ms.Yesu with us

Sim with us

Chew with us
So after saying good bye with Ms.Yesu at Jusco Kepong, straight we drive to One Utama to sing K, tat time already 12am mid night, n I was quite tire since I never have a good sleep the day before that, ha! When we reach there, we first go to meet Teddy, Sook Cheng boyfriend, only then we rush to Neway.. Here are the photos when we were there...

Teddy n Chong, both gay partner...=.=

Chong with werid face, hehe

Another gay photo, Chong with Chris, Chee Teng's boyfriend

K-Queen, Little Chee Teng, hehe..her voice damn good!!!

Group photo, I think... no body looking at the camera, and Sook Cheng cover herself with my blanky..=.=
Since everyone was tire n bzing singing, so din really took much photo there. When finish sing K, it already 4am, so after go back home, pack my stuff, bout 6am morning, I start to drive back to my hometown Klang. Why I go back so early? cuz that day was Thaipusam, scare alot of cars will be jamming at MRR2 I hav to go back as early as I can to avoid the jam..was so sleepy while driving, luckily got my rich coffee, only I manage to drive until Klang..
Ok, thats all for this post, hope u guys enjoy it..bye bye..^^